incinerators manufacturers china

The incinerator shall then take supply from the DO tank through its DO feed pumps to its respective burners. An

integrating meter shall be installed to measure the volume of DO consumed by the incinerator. Suitable pre metering

strainers shall be provided together with a lockable by-pass across both strainer and meter. The meter shall have a

digital read out in litres and shall record quantities from 1 to 99999 with an accuracy of ±1%.



Control of the DO feed pumps and associated control valves shall be fully automatic. The PLC system shall control the

DO burners automatically so as to achieve minimum Diesel oil consumption during startup and service.


2.6  Site Conditions:







Port Louis, Mauritius

Ambient Temperature:      18-35 °C

Relative Humidity:    74 – 95%

Other:    Corrosive environment due to proximity with the





The successful Bidder shall carry out a ‘factory acceptance’ testing of the incinerator set within its premises /

laboratory to verify the guaranteed figures The Bidder`s test procedure, test facilities and test results shall be

verified and certified by an international accreditation body approved by CEB.incinerator is for use in the hospital

for burning hazardous waste and chimicals, minimum Capacity 300 per hour. I will be reselling to my client?. Below is

the information I was given and nothing else. The hospital incinerator for use in the clinical waste as required by

international environmental management. Minimum 300 Kg capacity/hr, Fuel fired, refractory lined, chimney and sampling

prot. Minimum temperature of 1100 degree Celsius kindly quote me best price for resale.